We count on scientists to tell us what they know and do not knownot just
what they want us to hear. But when it comes to the origin and evolution of
life on earth, some spokesmen for official science are less forthcoming than
we might wish.
When writing in scientific journals, leading biologists candidly discuss the
many scientific difficulties facing contemporary versions of Darwin’s
theory. Yet when those same scientists take up the public defense of
Darwinism in educational policy statements or public television
documentaries, that candor often disappears behind a rhetorical curtain.
“There’s a feeling in biology that scientists should keep their dirty
laundry hidden,” says theoretical biologist Danny Hillis, adding that
“there’s a strong school of thought in biology that one should never
question Darwin in public.”
Nowhere is this uncritical public allegiance to Darwinism more evident than
in PBS’s current eight-hour, Paul Allen-funded documentary series titled
“Evolution.” PBS states that the series is simply “solid science journalism”
about a theory supported by “all known scientific evidence,” which “does not
challenge religious beliefs.” To make this case, however, “Evolution’s”
producers have erected the journalistic equivalent of a Potemkin village
where awkward puzzles are omitted, scientific dissent is kept out of sight
and history has been artfully rearranged.
“Evolution” makes a very selective presentation of the scientific evidence.
For example, the series repeatedly offers evidence of minor variations in
organisms such as the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria
as support for Darwinism. Yet Darwin proposed that natural selection could
produce not only minor changes like those now observed in bacteria, but also
the major structural innovations in the history of life.
Few biologists dispute that natural selection produces small-scale
“micro-evolutionary” changes such as those in the size and shape of
Galapagos finch beaks (also featured in the series). But many now doubt that
the Darwinian mechanism explains the large-scale “macro-evolutionary”
innovations necessary to build new organisms (such as birds) in the first
place. Thus, developmental biologist Scott Gilbert of Swarthmore University
argues that “natural selection explains the survival, but not the arrival of
the fittest.”
Yet, “Evolution” gives no voice to such doubts. Worse, it makes numerous
factual errors that exaggerate the evidential support for Darwinism. The
series asserts that the universality of the genetic code establishes that
all organisms had a common ancestor. But biologists have known for well over
a decade that the genetic code is not universal. Brown University biologist
Kenneth Miller asserts that the “imperfect” wiring of the vertebrate retina
proves that natural selection, not an intelligent designer, produced the
eye. God, in Miller’s opinion, wouldn’t have done it that way. To arrange
the retina as Miller thinks best, however, would render it inoperative. The
series leaves the distinct impression that a computer program has
successfully simulated the evolution of the eye. But such a program nowhere
existsa fact recently verified by Professor Dan Nilsson (of Lund
University in Sweden), the very expert that PBS interviewed about eye
It’s hard to believe that PBS’s scientific advisers didn’t know about some
of these factual problems or, at least, about other scientists who could
have provided informed dissenting opinion. There are many such scientists.
This week, 100 scientists, including professors from institutions such as
M.I.T, Yale and Rice, issued a statement questioning the creative power of
natural selection.
But airing scientific dissent would have complicated PBS’s message. In the
world according to “Evolution,” reasonable, scientifically-literate people
accept Darwinism without qualification. Only benighted religious
fundamentalists dissent.
“Evolution,” despite its claims to the contrary, is very much concerned with
religionthough its message about it at first seems contradictory. In the
first episode Stephen Gould says that “Darwin didn’t oppose religion,” but
then a docudrama about Darwin shows him doing exactly that. Ken Miller says
there is a “wonderful consistency” between evolution and Christianitya
conclusion that Gould clearly doubts, and philosopher Daniel Dennett
explicitly denies. As Dennet explains, natural selection replaced the
creator as the cause of biological design. Yet, historian Jim Moore assertsas Darwin’s image floats over the interior of Westminster Abbeythat
Darwin had “fundamentally a religious vision.” The famous closing paragraph
of the Origin is read in creedal tones.
So what gives? Is Darwinism compatible with religion, as the series claims,
or not? It all depends upon which type of religioneven which type of
Christianityis under consideration. PBS’s spokesmen for Darwinism can
accept religion that has accommodated itself to Darwinism and its essential
claim, namely, that undirected natural processes fully account for the
origin of the living world. Such religion may affirm the existence of God,
but only as a spectator of the Darwinian process that otherwise performs the
real work of creation. On the other hand, “Evolution” rejectseven
ridiculestraditional theistic religion because it holds that God played
an active (even discernable) role in the origin of life on earth. In short,
good religion accommodates Darwinism, bad religion rejects it. But that
implies, of course, that the real religion of this series is Darwinism.
Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. (history and philosophy of science, Cambridge
University), is an associate professor of philosophy at Whitworth College
and director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science
and Culture. Formerly a geophysicist with the Atlantic Richfield Company,
Prof. Meyer completed a Ph.D. dissertation on origin-of-life biology and the
methodology of the historical sciences. He has contributed to many technical
journals and scholarly books in the philosophy of science. In addition to
technical articles, Prof. Meyer has written many editorial features in
newspapers and magazines, including The Wall Street Journal, The L.A. Times,
The Chicago Tribune, First Things and National Review. He has recently
appeared on several national television programs including HardBall with
Chris Matthews (CNBC), Freedom Speaks (PBS), TechnoPolitics (PBS), Fox TV
News with David Asman and NPR’s Talk of the Nation with Ray Suarez. He has
also recently testified about the biological origins controversy before the
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He is a co-author of the book Science and
Evidence of Design in the Universe (Ignatius, 2000).
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