Book Review
Slaughter of the Dissidents:
The Shocking Truth about Killing
the Careers of Darwin Doubters
by Dr. Jerry Bergman
© 2008 Leafcutter Press
Review © Doug Coolidge. All Rights Reserved.
he first of a trilogy, Dr. Bergman’s Slaughter of the Dissidents is an in-depth introduction into one of the sorriest scandals to be perpetrated in the West. The worst part is that it is still happening right now. While most people know that evolution is the dominant theory taught in schools and universities as the "official" origins model, Bergman has documented why this being so has less to do with science than ideology and unbridled discrimination. The subtitle of the book is anything but an understatement, as this well-researched and referenced work uncovers the shocking truth behind evolution’s current stranglehold on the realms of academia and science, and recounts how its proponents are quietly and ruthlessly silencing all opposition.
The book’s preface opens by introducing the reader to the perpetrators and victims. On the one side, there are the staunch neo-Darwinists, who refuse to give credence to anything or anyone that does not fit in with their dearly-held worldview. On the other, there are the “Darwin Doubters”, an umbrella Dr. Bergman gives for an assortment of groups spanning all sorts of ideologies, but with one common trait: they call into question one or more facets of Neo-Darwinian theory.
Then unfolds the scandal. The Darwinists, well entrenched in their comfortable positions of influence within Western “educational” and “scientific” institutions, cannot afford to let anyone entertain the thought that evolution might not be the sole answer for life. As a result, Dr. Bergman lists a cornucopia of discrimination cases and hate crimes—from derogatory remarks to outright firings—against any and all that are brave enough to voice their concerns about any of the hallowed principles of evolution. Dr. Bergman then covers one especially desperate tactic of many Darwinists, which is to quickly lump all Doubters into one theistic mob, in order to write them all off as religion-crazed, scientifically inept bigots. This slipshod assumption purports that all skeptics of evolution are pro-Intelligent Design (ID). Fortunately, Dr. Bergman proclaims that “too many intelligent and qualified dissenters exist, and to dismiss them all as irrelevant or ‘religiously motivated’ (as many critics of Darwin Doubters do) is not only ridiculous but also clearly demonstrates a greater concern for controlling the discussion than for going where the evidence leads” (p. 10). As for the Darwin Doubters that are pro-ID, far from pushing an agenda, Dr. Bergman states that many simply want the whole of the evolutionary theory to be taught, i.e. contradictory evidence, lack of supporting evidence, etc (p. 18). That way, students won’t get the white-washed version that has been passed off as "science" in Western academic institutions for many years.
Spring boarding perfectly off of Dr. Bergman’s preface is an introductory chapter (written by Kevin H. Wirth) which gives a concise overview of the various issues of the discrimination against Darwin Doubters. These issues include the simple, yet important trampling of educators First Amendment (free speech) rights in the US; the pretense that the holding of religious beliefs renders one unfit for teaching or practicing scientific; the lopsided influence evolution enjoys as a result of decades of propagandizing, and so on. In this respect, Slaughter of the Dissidents becomes a valuable resource for anyone wishing to become further enlightened about the debate over the validity of macro-evolution, as the preface and first chapter alone contain a wealth of information concerning the fight at hand, which is only continuing to grow.
The second chapter, which deals with the rising intolerance Darwinists are displaying against Doubters, is a radical eye-opener to the many injustices that have been and are being committed within our country. More specifically, Dr. Bergman documents how the vehement rejection of the Darwinist’s peers more often than not stems from the discovery of their peer’s religious beliefs. This irrational recoil results in various measures to insure the containment of any ethically loose cannons. Dr. Bergman notes “the most common consequence facing tenured faculty when they accept the heresy of creation is reassignment so that they will not be in a position to further influence students toward their view. (Of course, without the protection of tenure, most would probably also lose their teaching position altogether)” (p. 80). That last point is understandably a grave concern of many creationists, who, having not secured a position for themselves, refuse to change their stances on the issues, but are fearful of making their thoughts known. Not to be so easily silenced, Dr. Bergman mentions that some creationists have resourcefully resolved to write under pseudonyms in order to continue getting the word out while keeping their career intact (p. 83). The chapter even further illustrates the all-encompassing wrath of the Darwinists by documenting how the discrimination is directed towards scientists and non-scientists alike. Chapter three, equal to chapter two in detail and solid reasoning, differentiates only in that it focuses on the academic side of the issue. Needless to say, Dr. Bergman paints a sobering picture of the far undernoted practices of the evolutionary elite and the debilitating affects they have on our scientific progress and educational integrity by keeping out some of the brightest minds of our time, simply because of their beliefs.
The cases Dr. Bergman devotes chapters four through fourteen to thoroughly demolish any doubt that may still remain about the intentions of the Darwinists and the lengths they go to to remove those that won’t go along with their agenda. Just one example is Dr. Bergman’s documentation of the case of Professor Dan Scott. Professor Scott, after getting written permission to do so, assigned a paper to his class with the theme of taking both sides of the evolution debate, while using scientific evidence to support their claims. This, proving interesting to the students, caused one of them to ask Professor Scott how he believed matter came about, to which Professor Scott honestly replied that he believed it was by the hand of God. Incidentally, the student later told the rest of the faculty about Professor Scott’s stance. As soon as they learned that Professor Scott was encouraging the criticism of evolution, and not creation, they quickly removed him from his position. (p. 251).
The value of reading these cases is not only in the calling our attention to the injustices which are so flippantly acted out, but in causing us to act ourselves. As a country founded on the principle that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it is for our common good to combat this monolith of discriminatory bias and return to an open, empirically driven approach to science and education. Slaughter is one precious step closer to this goal. In his closing chapter, titled “What can be Done?”, Dr. Bergman rightly asserts “if slanderous remarks are made in a national magazine, or if a firing occurs and clear evidence of discrimination exists, but no action is taken—the freedom of all Americans is being violated. This is not something that happens to “other” people—when the freedoms of one group are threatened, it is a threat against us all” (p. 374). As for what can be done about it: “… public education about religion, to help the public see that most evangelicals, fundamentalists, and other theists are not the idiots and demons they are made out to be, will greatly help to educate and alert the public to the unjustified stereotypes that many employers . . . are laboring under. Fighting bigotry requires labeling it for what it is…” (p. 377).
While not a light read, Dr. Bergman’s thorough documentation, clear-cut logic, and obvious grasp of the subject make Slaughter a strong addition to the thinking man’s arsenal. The scandal may continue, but this book gives a helping hand in ripping off the mask, which brings us that much closer to a more diligent, thoughtful, and just society.
Doug Coolidge
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